Neo's UI

Neo's UI


UI have been moved! a more recent version of my UI can be found in my discord;

If the UI looks off or if you import my UI from the dropbox link. Make sure to check the UI scale in ElvUI.

/ec -> General -> General -> UI Scale, make sure to set this to 0.64, its designed around that.

*About the UI*

I am a UX/UI designer, and my world of warcraft UI gets all the love it can.

I daily tune and fix my different weakauras, positioning of Unitframes etc. All work doesnt end up as an update sadly.

But I have for the course of the expansion so far provided an update for the relevent tier and my ambition is to continue doing so.

Whilst I take a lot of inspiration from others I can guarantee my UI is unique in the sense of thoughtfullness.

I've eye-tracked where you rest your eyes during encounters and min-maxed all UI elements to fit "my style" which hopefully works for others to.

It's a bit of practice makes perfect and a bit of science involved into this UI.

My goal for Neo's UI (bad name I know) is to be able to use this without heavily depend on weakauras, external information in the level I can.

I do use weakauras but mainly for tracking a certain trinket or specific timers from BigWigs/DBM.

I hope you will like my work of passion and that you find yourself comfy using this UI.

If you got any questions or just need help setting the UI up further closer to your unique look/identity just hit me up;

Neolina @TarrenMill or

You can always reach me on Discord; Neo#9149

This UI doesn't have the proper setup for healing but primarily focused on DPS and Tanking classes.

A Healing UI version IS planned but release is TBA.

The UI in general is using


ElvUI Shadow & Light


Quartz (castbar)

Nameplate of your liking; Plater, Built-in, NeatPlate, KuiNamePlates, TidyPlates, ThreatPlates.




Feel free to make cool adjustments and if you are using my UI please drop a comment on what you like/dislike so I can improve upon or fix.

