Souschef's • DPS UI

Souschef's • DPS UI


The next iteration of my UI designed for DPS specs.

I've been working on a new UI for quite a while, something a bit more centred and less text-cluttered.

If you have any questions or need help please feel free to drop by my Twitch or Discord at any time.

If you want all the Filters as well as Details, BigWigs and Parrot settings you're welcome to get ElvUI Plugin over here.

Included ElvUI Modifications:

- ElvUI

- AddOnSkins

- Clean Boss Button

- ElvUI Shadow & Light

- ElvUI CustomTweaks

- ElvUI EverySecondCounts


(22/02/2017) 1.03 March Fixes

- Fixed the Objective tracker so that it no longer disappears completely in certain situations.

- Fixed the ready check marks appearing off screen for the party frames.

- Added a Target of Target frame (disabled by default) for those who want to use it.

- Nudged the minimap, minimap button rack and the minimap action bar so that they are no longer hugging the edge of the screen.

- Adjusted the CD number colours so that they fit with the UI's faded colour scheme.

- Adjusted the focus frames.

(22/02/2017) 1.02 February Fixes

- Inspect Armory disabled

- Keyword Sound disabled

- Chat Tab Font Outilne set to None

- Minimap Addon Button Rack enabled

- Player buffs will now wrap later than they used to

- Styled and arranged Honor and Reputation Data Bars for people who want to use them

- Set default texture to Flatt and default font to Expressway so that the UI looks consistent

- Artifact Power numbers should no longer take up all of your bag

- Minor style fixes to tooltips, action bars, castbars, class power, and EverySecondCounts.

(05/02/2017) 1.0 Release

Finally finishied up with the DPS version. Please feel free to send any quirks and bugs you encounter my way over Discord and I'll try to push out a fix stat.

(16/11/2017) 0.9 Beta


The dominating font used in the UI is HaxrCrop ( I absolutely love it but there's a little problem. Since it's a bitmap font, anything beyond 17p in size looks abysmal. In order for it to look good at 17p please use "monochrome outline" wherever it is available. If it's not, play around with the sizes and the outline types but it should always look decent with just an "outline" at 16p.

I'm pretty sure that after the import the font is going to be broken and if you want to keep using the font from the screenshot here's what you need to do:

1. Download the font ( The reason we are using this link is because ElvUI will only eat .ttf while all the other variations of this font are .fon

2. Copy it into "World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\media\fonts\"

3. Rename the font into "HaxrCorp12cyr" while leaving the extension the same

4. Open "World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\media\sharedmedia.lua" with a text editor

5. Add exactly this line at the end of the file: LSM:Register("font","HaxrCorp12cyr", [[Interface\AddOns\ElvUI\media\fonts\HaxrCorp12cyr.ttf]])

6. Save it and restart the game.

Wherever I can't use HaxrCrop, usually because I need larger-sized text, I use Expressway. Works great if you need a font for BigWigs, xct+, the chatbox etc.