The Blind Healer (Visual Impairment Healing)

The Blind Healer (Visual Impairment Healing)


The Blind Healer is an Elvui profile built for people who have little to no vision. This profile is designed to keep the players focus on one area the center of the screen without needing to track your eyes to far. I had looked around for a profile that was usable for my disability but could not find one so i made one and offer it to others that may have a similar problem.

What has been changed

Frames Arrangement

Player frame, Party frames and Target frame have been placed at the center bottom section of the screen to reduce eye tracking

Cast bar has been enlarged and place between the player and target frame

Map Size has been doubled and place to the left for my own personal preference as i only can see from the left however with

the use of anchors you can move it to the right


The size of most items has been increased to help reading.

Tool Tip size need to be reset due to the elvui client when installing

Button text has been increased

Bag size text has been increased

Objective frame text has doubled


Button sizes have been of the main two bars has been doubled

Button sizes for bags and bank have been increased


Raid Frame has been reworked to fill slot were the party frame was. It has been sized to be able to have text displayed at

16 or 18 sized print.

Font Changed to Party, Raid, Target, Target of target so a crisper more eye friendly font

40 Man Raid window resized to fit section properly in the same location as the 25 man raid frame

Boss/area ability button moved to above player frame

Honor and Artifact power moved to above loot frame

Tested on mistweaver monk and now available