TitleUI - ElvUI Profile

TitleUI - ElvUI Profile


Don't have access to Shadowlands beta right now so this will be updated.

/ec > General > Media > Apply font and texture to all. ( Global text is Expressway and global texture is ElvUI norm in the screenshots. )

/ec > Cooldown Text > Enable if you don't use OmniCC.

Addons used for this UI:

- ElvUI

- WeakAuras

- BigWigs

- OmniCC

- Exorsus Raid Tools

- Details

Global WeakAuras Import Strings

- https://wago.io/4wPgX-zqh

- https://wago.io/LnKsDKziM

Mage WeakAuras Import Strings

- https://wago.io/ycYmXzrOQ

- https://wago.io/C-207mJ_D

- https://wago.io/wt3HJlxoj

- https://wago.io/0Dv2etlCe

Demon Hunter WeakAuras Import Strings

- https://wago.io/-CpbH1TUS

- https://wago.io/n1Oq-H1wb

- https://wago.io/4Nc6GPxVR

Monk WeakAuras Import Strings

- https://wago.io/lzdexseZZ

- https://wago.io/MdCErIcTe

- https://wago.io/OBY1JjSC9

Rogue WeakAuras Import Strings

- https://wago.io/-XOTn52PI

- https://wago.io/Gf96mamMk

- https://wago.io/Bk9NI8AQg

Details Profile Import String

- https://pastebin.com/4uNGRJih