wise man's vigi essential m+ #4

wise man's vigi essential m+ #4


version #4, freshest, sexiest. added top action bar for few skills i wanna keep an eye on [mostly cc with cooldowns] and some party/raidframe upgrades [debuff trackers, boss debuff indicators, resourcebar for partyframe]

now has 4bars on middle, which i use mostly for half-opacity dmg skills on healers. they're macroe'd for [harm/help] so i just keep an eye on it when there's the parsetime

what makes it essential, tho, is since imma boomer for the addons, i just run elvui+dbm+skada. so i had to make everything on top of elvui.

so what is this, is exactly. how to fit every addon into one elvui setting and roll with it. and that will give you all informations u will ever need, and only the necessary ones. also, think of it as a core for your user interface. move group panel more to middle, add group cooldowns trackers. barebone for whatever u need, in simple yet pretty and comfy way.

features it has, is mostly easy tracking of stuff you can/can't interrupt, can/can't dispel, stressing on those - making them more visible and giving you faster reaction time.

enemy casts: red = uninterruptable/hard cc, green = interruptable

dispels: different colour on group tab + coloured background = dispellable. colour depends on type of dispel [curse being green, magic being white etc.]

it also tracks auras, yet - as i don't need to have 200 timers on my screen, to track some aura via this, i guess u need to add them to filter:whitelist within elvui settings.

top to bottom, elvui->filters->create new filter->add id to whitelist, -> unit frames -> player -> aura bars -> add regular filter [name of your filter]

i only track the most improtant things, like 2-3/char and that's it.


nothing less. most of the other features are just minimalistic approach. less on screen - the better.

built upon hyperion's 2R ui, suited for my own needs. i just tailored his settings to fit my playstyle and demands a bit.