Xariall's Shadowlands Elvui Profile

Xariall's Shadowlands Elvui Profile


Elvui I use on my Druid and Priest, made by me with ideas taken from other UIs i've come across over the past 2-3 years (Reloe and Fragnance's UIs are the main ones).

This Profile has a detached Power in place of the Class Bar so you can see your mana while in Moonkin form on Druid and in Shadow spec on Priest (This is the only difference between the 2)

Using Project Azilroka, AddOn Skins, Skullflower Texture and Expressway Font

Action bars 1, 4 and 5 are all mouse over which and should be shown in the anchors screenshot.

Party frames show defensive CDs because i play a Balance druid in M+ and it helps with timing my treants, can be removed easily in the party buffs options.

I also use Details for my damage meters (Bottom right of all screenshots) and Weakauras for my cast bars (which will be uploaded to). Elvui cast bars are already set up though if you'd prefer to use those.

Other UI Links;

Plater Profile - https://wago.io/UKbwxFng1

Cast Bars - https://wago.io/KFMW8Tc62

Balance Druid WAs - https://wago.io/e2udzo-m1

Essences and Cloak WAs - https://wago.io/CuinIVCG6

Details Profile - https://pastebin.com/RV2Rq3E3

Elvui with Default Class/Power Bars - https://wago.io/KHIunMHD9

Potion/Triniket WAs (Early Version, not complete) - https://wago.io/16nQVGxP8