Zippy's UI for Classic [Priest/Heal] •  ElvUI Profile + AddOns/WAs

Zippy's UI for Classic [Priest/Heal] • ElvUI Profile + AddOns/WAs


This ElvUI profile defines the basis for my Priest UI (21:9 ultrawide monitor, 3440x1440 resolution) and is enhanced by several AddOns/WeakAuras.

Alternatively, my Mage UI can be found HERE.


AddOn Profiles:

- Grid2: HERE (Alternative Link)

- Exorsus Raid Tools: HERE (Alternative Link)

- Details! Damage Meter: HERE



- [zIRS] • Zippy's ItemRack Set Switcher (automatic gear switching for all raid instances)

- Max Camera (sets camera distance to max on login)

- Auto Open Dialog (automatically selects the one and only dialog option at flight masters/bankers/vendors/etc.)

- ElvUI Tooltip Position Swapper (changes tooltip position from "at mouse" to "fixed" when in combat)

- Raid Loot Automator (automatically rolls for stuff)

- AQ Smart Mount (mount the right mount with the same hotkey)

UI Enhancement:

- Zippy's Loot Method Monitor (loot method status on the left data text bar, can change loot on click too)

- Zippy's Raid Reset Timers (raid reset timers and lockout monitor under the character window)

- Loss of Control: Zippy's CC Breaker Icons (CC breaker identifier)

- Zippy's Raider Bag Check (shows count of specified items in bags next to character window)

- Time To Die (calculates the time until your target will die)

- Better Banana Bar (target mobs by clicking on raid icons)

- Swing Timer on Nameplates

- Castbar on Nameplates

- Debuffs on Nameplates (better than native ElvUI option in my opinion)

General Tracker:

- Zippy's Track/Untrack Reminder (minimap tracking enable/disable reminder)

- Zippy's Field Repair Bot Bar (shows a progress bar for the duration of the repbot being up)

- Avoid Lava Damage (tells you when to jump to avoid damage when swimming in lava)

- nanShield (progress texture for absorbing buffs next to your character, fixed version)

- Vlad's Combatlog Status (shows if you're currently logging or not)

- Zippy's Crowd Control Bar (shows duration of CCs like shackle)

Raid Tracker:

- Raid Mana & Buff Watch (Zippy's Edit) (tracks healmana & consumables usage in raid)

- BWL Vulnerability Monitor (shows vulnerabilities/powers of death talon packs in BWL)

- C'Thun Stomach Sync (tracks tentacle health during the C'Thun encounter in AQ40)

- AQ40 Anubisath Helper (tracks abilities of Anubisath trash in AQ40)

- Zippy's Sapper/AoE Range Check (for Viscidus in AQ40)

- Debuffs @Chromaggus

- Zippy's Important Debuffs/Counter/Reminder/etc. for Raiders (my personal collection)

Background Textures

- Zippy's UI Textures (these are the ones I made for the Raid Buff & Cons. Tracker and the Exorsus Raid CDs)


- ElvUI

+ProjectAzilroka (only Dragon Overlay, Enhanced Friends List & SquareMinimap Bar - everything else is disabled)

- AtlasLootClassic & AtlasLootClassic_Maps (boss loot & dungeon maps)

- AutoRestocker (restocks defined items at vendors/bank)

- BigWigs (boss mods)

- Buff Cap Tracker Classic (tracks and automatically removes unwanted buffs)

- Buff'o'mat (semi-automated self- and raid buffing)

- ChracterStatsClassic (see the stats you actually want to see)

- Class Colors (make shamans blue again)

- Details! Damage Meter Classic WoW

- Elkano's Buff Bars (buff bars)

- Exorsus Raid Tools (raid cooldowns)

- Grid2 (raidframe)

- GTFO (don't stand in the fire)

- ItemRack Classic (equipment manager)

- Leatrix Maps Classic (show undiscovered world map elements)

- ls: Toasts (a retail-like pop-up for loot)

- MikScrollingBattleText Classic (only shows my outgoing direct heals and entering/leaving combat)

- Nice Damage (damage numbers font)

- Nova World Buffs (world buff timers)

- Pawn (item stat weights in tooltips)

- Quartz (castbars)

- SpeedyAutoLoot (autoloot instantaneoulsy without seeing a loot window - works really well in conjunction with "ls:Toasts" AddOn)

- ThreatClassic2 (threat meter)

- Tracking Eye (tracking icon @minimap)

- WeakAuras (obviously)

- WideQuestLog (bigger questlog)

- WideQuestLog Levels (quest levels for the bigger questlog)

