[zUI] • Zippy's Classic UI (Mage/DPS) •  ElvUI Profile [Classic+Retail] & AddOns/WAs

This ElvUI profile defines the basis for my mage UI (24:10 ultrawide monitor, 3840x1600 resolution) and is enhanced by several AddOns/WeakAuras. The UI scale I use is 0.65.

I'm am also using this UI in a more 'dense' look on my WQHD notebook, so it also works very well in non-ultrawide environments, too.

As I've got this question a few times: My bar layout has these two 4x3 elements on the left and right side of the "main bar". This is because I use a mouse with a 12-Button NumPad on it. The right element is for actions without using a modifier, the left elememt is for shift-hitting these buttons.

Some of the WeakAuras linked here are tweaked to look a little different so their style fits my UI, but they have not been uploaded to wago in their customized form. Don't be surprised by small differences between what you see and what you get. ;)


Most logical order for a new UI setup would probably be:

1. Install ElvUI, import this ElvUI Profile (into ElvUI, not into WeakAuras) and adjust UI size.

2. Install AddOns from my list & import my profiles or configure them yourself one by one.

3. Import the WeakAuras from my list one by one.

AddOn Profiles:

- Grid2: HERE (Alternative Link)

- Method Raid Tools: HERE (Alternative Link)

- Details! Damage Meter: HERE (Alternative Link)


--> Automators:

- [zIRS] • Zippy's ItemRack Set Switcher (automatic gear switching for all raid instances)

- Max Camera (sets camera distance to max on login)

- Auto Open Dialog (automatically selects the one and only dialog option at flight masters/bankers/vendors/etc.)

- ElvUI Tooltip Position Swapper (changes tooltip position from "at mouse" to "fixed" when in combat)

- Raid Loot Automator (automatically rolls for stuff)

- AQ Smart Mount (mount the right mount with the same hotkey)

--> UI Enhancement:

- [zLMM] • Zippy's Loot Method Monitor (loot method status on the left data text bar, can change loot on click too)

- [zRRT] • Zippy's Raid Reset Timers (raid reset timers and lockout monitor under the character window)

- [zLOC] • Loss of Control: Zippy's CC Breaker Icons (CC breaker identifier)

- Zippy's Raider Bag Check (shows count of specified items in bags next to character window)

- Time To Die (calculates the time until your target will die)

- Swing Timer on Nameplates

- Castbar on Nameplates

- Debuffs on Nameplates (better than native ElvUI option in my opinion)

--> Trackers (General):

- Zippy's Crowd Control Bar (shows duration of CCs you cast onto enemy NPCs/players)

- Zippy's Field Repair Bot Bar (shows a progress bar for the duration of the repbot being up)

- Raidmarks HP Bars (shows HP of all mobs with raidmarks)

- Avoid Lava Damage (tells you when to jump to avoid damage when swimming in lava)

- nanShield (progress texture for absorbing buffs next to your character, fixed version)

- Total AoE (summarized scrolling damage text for all AoE targets)

- Vlad's Combatlog Status (shows if you're currently logging combat or not)

--> Trackers (Raid):

- Raid Mana & Buff Watch (Zippy's Edit) (tracks healmana & consumables usage in raid)

- Zippy's Mana Consumables Reminder (on Bars) (shows when to use Mana Consumables)

- Thaddius Polarity Shift

- C'Thun Stomach Sync (tracks tentacle health during the C'Thun encounter in AQ40)

- AQ40 Anubisath Helper (tracks abilities of Anubisath trash in AQ40)

- Zippy's Sapper/AoE Range Check (for Viscidus in AQ40)

- BWL Vulnerability Monitor (shows vulnerabilities/powers of death talon packs in BWL)

- Debuffs @Chromaggus

- Zippy's Important Debuffs/Counter/Reminder/etc. for Raiders (my personal collection)

- [zRFG] • Zippy's Raidframe Glow (Curses: Healing Reduction for Mages/Druids) (highlights the units I really need to decurse)

--> Trackers (class-specific):

- [zHUD] • Zippy's Mage HUD (circular progress timers in the middle of the screen)

- Zippy's Mage Watch (CDs, Trinkets & FireMage Monitor) (trinkets, cooldowns and scorch/ignite monitor in the middle of the screen)

- Zippy's Mage Watch (Debuffs) (mage-relevant debuff monitor - personally, I only watch Nightfall and the Arcanite Dragonling debuff)

- Zippy's Missing Buffs & Consumables Icons (the little icons in the top right corner showing me if I've got all consumables in bags/all the buffs I need)

Background Textures

- Zippy's UI Textures (these are the ones I made for the Raid Buff & Cons. Tracker, the Exorsus Raid CDs, the Raid Target HP Bars and the cast bar background)


- ElvUI

+ ProjectAzilroka (only Dragon Overlay, Enhanced Friends List & SquareMinimap Bar - everything else is disabled)

- AtlasLootClassic & AtlasLootClassic_Maps (boss loot & dungeon maps)

- AutoRestocker (restocks defined items at vendors/bank)

- BananaBar3 (targeting mobs with raidmarks by clicking on raidmarks)

- Buff'o'mat (semi-automated self- and raid buffing - apply the 'hack' from the comments section on Curseforge!)

- BigWigs (boss mods)

- ChracterStatsClassic (see the stats you actually want to see)

- Class Colors (make shamans blue again)

- Details! Damage Meter Classic WoW

- Elkano's Buff Bars (buff bars)

- Exorsus Raid Tools (raid cooldowns)

- Grid2 (raidframe)

- GTFO (don't stand in the fire)

- ItemRack Classic (equipment manager, mainly in conjunction with my ItemRack Switcher WA)

- Leatrix Maps Classic (show undiscovered world map elements)

- ls: Toasts (a retail-like pop-up for loot)

- Nice Damage (damage numbers font)

- Nova World Buffs (world buff timers)

- Quartz (castbars)

- SpeedyAutoLoot (autoloot instantaneoulsy without seeing a loot window - works really well in conjunction with "ls:Toasts" AddOn)

- ThreatClassic2 (threat meter)

- WeakAuras (obviously)

- WideQuestLog (bigger questlog) + WideQuestLog Levels (quest levels for the bigger questlog)

