ARN Plater Profile

ARN Plater Profile


Mods (Modified)

  • Abbreviated Named
  • Absorb Shields in Healthbar
  • Aura Reorder [Plater]
  • Cast Bar Border
  • Cast Icon Anchor
  • Cast Target
  • Shoes-Stealth Mobs
  • Steal/Purge Aura Glow
  • Target Highlight Glow
  • ThreatPercentage


  • Aura - Blink by Time Left [Plater]

How to Install:

  • Copy the string and go into the Profiles tab in the Plater options panel.
  • Hit the Import Profile button and paste the string.
  • It'll create a new profile, so you need to give a name for it in the New Profile Name field.
  • Hit Okay and then /reload

How to Uninstall:

  • When importing profiles, Plater always creates a new profile with the pasted string, this preserves your current profile, so to uninstall you just need to Open Profile Settings in the Profiles tab and select your old profile, then /reload.