This is a small plater mod to change your Plater bar colors depending on the Balance Druid dot that is missing. It checks in the order below.
Moonfire > Sunfire > Stellar Flare (optional) > Mushroom (Optional)
This is an updated version of the script below to allow for additional options.
**UPDATE** 7/17/23
Completely re-written as a Mod instead of a Script and added new options.
Can set Stellar Flare to be optional
Can set Mushroom to be optional
Tracks only your own buffs now
Can enable/disable tracking during PVP (though this is a tiny bit buggy still)
Moonfire missing - Blue
Sunfire missing - Orange
Stellar Flare missing - Teal
Mushroom missing - Green
All Dots have been applied - Original plate color
You can change these colors by going to the Mod options and clicking Options.