[Better Pixel Perfect] M+ Mods/Scripts

[Better Pixel Perfect] M+ Mods/Scripts


Based on the popular pixel perfect plater profile https://wago.io/g-jp-v2zw but modified to look cleaner and be more visible.

How to Install:

Copy the string and go into the Profiles tab in the Plater options panel.

Hit the Import Profile button and paste the string.

It'll create a new profile, so you need to give a name for it in the New Profile Name field.

Hit Okay and then /reload

If you have any suggestions to make the profile better or any neat Mods/Scripts you think would be a good addition please feel free to leave a comment!

If you have any questions/issues with the profile please also leave a comment and i will get back to you asap!

[Castbar Color Legend]


Yellow: Cast is interruptible

Dark grey: Cast is not interruptible

Light grey/White: Cast is interruptible, But your interrupt is on cooldown

Light blue: Cast is interruptible, and your interrupt will come off cooldown before the cast is finished (Can spam interrupt button to try and snipe an interrupt)

Red: Cast was interrupted

Green: Target successfully casted spell (No interrupt)

[Threat Color Legend (Tanking)]


Green: Have threat

Yellow: Have threat but threat is low

Red: No threat