Blizzard Plates - PvP Mods

Blizzard Plates - PvP Mods


100% identical to the default Blizzard nameplates your eyes are used to, except has additional functionality aimed towards pvp.

These include:

• Cast bar colored to spell school lockout when kicked

• Overabsorb/shields extended into health bar

• Arena enemy number in front of player name

• Shaman totem icons above nameplate

• No nameplates for minor minions such as demonology imps. Main pets still visible

• Small healer indicator and pet indicator

• Accidental presidency font for name and spell name to take up less space and reduce instances of

words getting cut off

• Target name under cast bar

• Focus target overlay

• Friendly player names class colored and should function as normal (no nameplate)

• Small black border inside white target border to create contrast when targeting priests with custom


All npc mobs including pets will have dark purple health bar when attacking you. I chose a color that does not conflict with any class colors. If you dont like this simply turn off health bar threat colors

Personal resources (combo points, soul shards, etc.) fully configured, to turn on check "use plater resources" under the combo points tab

Debuffs and buff special are turned off by default as I recommend BigDebuffs and flyPlateBuffs for pvp. You can configure them yourself if you want, but I plan to create a viable setup later down the line.


flyPlateBuffs (this link is Skill Capped discord, where you can get the up to date version in their addon pack found in the retail-addons channel)

Everything works as of 10.1.5

Special Thanks: Tercioo & 호불