M+ Colored Mobs

M+ Colored Mobs


Colored Mobs for Shadowlands Dungeons (More to come)

Color Codes:

casters: dodgerblue

healers: White

fixate: magenta

charge/jump: cyan

frontal: lightcoral

physical range dps: palegreen

Important stun/buff abilitys: Goldenrod

aoe/spin to win effect: navajowhite

high priority/focus: deeppink

How to Import:

/plater > Npc Colors tab > hit the Import button > paste the string and hit okay.

How to Edit:

/plater > Npc Colors tab > you can edit any color there, also if you do this inside a dungeon you may edit directly in the npc nameplate

Every feedback/help is greatly appreciated feel free to contact me by joining my Discord.

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