Cry0nicS Plater profile

Cry0nicS Plater profile


Customized for DPS, but does support tanking


  • Custom colors for the mobs I consider important
  • Aura tracking only for the currently play (support only for Unholy DK at the momet. Can include more if anyone is interested)

Colors (DPS):

  • Red = you have aggro
  • Light green = Tank (or someone else) has aggro. Fire away

Colors (Tank):

  • Red = you (probably) just killed a teammate (aka you lost aggro)
  • Light green = you have aggro, try to survive now
  • Purple = you are competting with someone for aggro (useful when duo-tanking in raids)

Special mobs (just in SL dungeons)

  • Pink - High Priority Targets / Interrupts
  • Baby Blue - 2nd Priority Targets / Interrupts
  • Blue - 3rd Priority Targets / Casters
  • Purple - High HP Targets
  • Gold - Neutral NPC / Seasonal Affix
  • Red - Least Important Targets / No Colors