Dellynnissel Plater Profile

Dellynnissel Plater Profile


I don't do much of any one specific part of this game and this is the plater profile I made for myself because everything just felt a little off for me. I dps tank and heal and am hard stuck 1600 in arenas. I hope you enjoy it too.

I make weakauras for myself here. Mostly they will not actually track cooldowns because I just use bars for that. Also any of the cool ones that aren't just uptime are probably made by Translit and I repurposed them because I'm dumb as shit.

I also recommend:

NameplateAuras on curseforge for seeing CC and CD's in both pve and pvp since I mostly don't track those very well.

Icons: CleanIcons Mechagnome Edition(so clean) on wowinterface

Like all plater profiles some options are not saved in the export string I guess. Sorry. I use the Texture: Flat Font: Rubik Medium (99.9% sure it's not included in anything you could easily install yourself but that's what it is if you know how.)

Complete with all the friendly names without bars in outside world, cities, and arena.

Uses M+ Renamer by .Rhk for the names disable if you don't like should work just fine :)

I stream on twitch sometimes but I'm just a pleb ;)