EllyUI - Plater Profile


EllyUI - Plater Profile

I'm using Revan's Target Indicators so you have to import the external files described HERE: I changed the Mod Force Threat Color NPC slightly. That way the colors don't change anymore when trees or elementals are tanking the mobs. That also means you can't see when someone puts trees down unless you are tracking them through other means.


Worth noting: I'm using Roboto Bold as my font. Since it's not a default font provided by blizzard chances are that you might have to change the fonts throughout the Plater Options in tons of different places:

  • Cast Bar
  • Personal Bar (if you use it)
  • Buff Settings
  • Buff Special
  • Enemy NPC/Player
  • Friendly NPC/Player

Changing Target-marker arrows

  1. Choose the Target Bracket Indicator in Target. (the fully white ones are from Revan's Target Indicators)
  2. Click on Modding.
  3. Choose Revan's Target Indicators script on the left side.
  4. In the window to the right adjust the settings of that target marker. (like the color, size, and offset)


Credits for both plugins obviously go to the creators of these plugins: