Force Threat Color NPC

Force Threat Color NPC


When a mob is attacking you, force show the threat color. For tanks, force threat color if the mob is not attacking you.

This is updated version of which works only for NPCs nameplates.


Check for off-tanks inside raid before paiting the unit as 'no aggro'.

While in tank spec, force the threat color from the Threat/Aggro tab if the mob isn't attack you.

While in dps/healer spec, force the threat color from the Threat/Aggro tab if the mob is attack you.

Use this mod to override colors that Plater set in nameplates from the Npc Colors tab.

How to Install:

- Copy the string and go into the Modding tab on Plater options panel.

- Click the Import button, paste the string and hit Okay.

Then use /reload

How to Uninstall:

- Go into the Modding tab on Plater options panel.

- In the list of scripts, uncheck the checkbox from the Aura Icon Animation.

- Then use /reload