Gobel's DF Season 2 M+ Plater NPC Colors (kick/stun/frontal)

All important mobs in S2 m+ dungeons color coded

This is ONLY the colors for the Plater-nameplates, it won't affect your Plater profile (how it looks etc).

If you want my whole profile, check this out: https://wago.io/T5w09t3rd (Gobel's Plater Profile (Incl. S2 m+ colors))


-Blue for important mobs with FRONTALS

-Aqua/Light blue for important mobs with INTERRUPTABLE spells

-Magenta/Pink for important mobs with STUN INTERRUPTABLE spells

How to install:

-Copy Import String --> Ctrl+c --> /plater --> "Npc Colors and Names" tab --> import --> Ctrl+v

Enjoy, and please give feedback :)