HPLT's Plater Profile [TBC Classic]

HPLT's Plater Profile [TBC Classic]


My Plater Profile with some modifications targeted towards Healing and Arena Playing. Optimised for TBC Classic

Mod is set up to show healthbars only for enemy units. For friendly players only the name and for friendly npc's additionally the profession is shown.

Buffs are shown above the healthbar and are currently limited to 5 and combined with a priority mod ("Aura reorder") to show the most important ones starting from the left. The aura list can be edited/disabled in the mod tab ("Aura Reorder").

Will only track magic, own/player and some custom buffs/debuffs (e.g. "Weakened soul", "Hypothermia", "Ice Block" and "Divine Shield") by default. Profile is set up to work out of the box best for priests. All can be edited to your liking under "Buff settings" (tracked buff types), "Buff tracking" (special buffs/debuffs) and "Buff special" (Special debuff auras).

Full Mod List:

Arena: Update Frequency Switch:

Increases the update frequency of nameplates to 10ms in arena

Arena Auto Toggle Nameplates:

Mod to enable pet and totem nameplates in arena/bg automatically

Arena Enemy Number:

Adds the arena number in front of the enemy name

Aura Reorder with Limiter Functionality:

Mod to reorder specific auras to have a higher priority and limit the maximum number of auras shown.

Blizz-like Steal/Purge:

Creates a static glow around all or specific auras. Aura modded compared to the one available on wago so that you can define a list of spells and only those will glow (e.g. useful for highlighting important buffs like e.g. Pain Suppression, Beast Within, Ice Block or Divine Shield

Cast Target on Spell Name:

Displays the name of the target in the cast bar: CAREFUL: Does not consider focus targets

Extra Quest icon:

Creates a quest icon on nameplates of quest mobs

Glowing Raid marks:

Creates a glow around raid marks. Also allows to place friendly raid marks differently compared to enemy/neutral ones. Currently set up to only load in arena, bgs and the open world

Hide Auras by Nameplate Type:

Allows to hide auras on certain nameplate types like Pets or friendly players


Hides the health text if an unit has full health.

Mouseover Nameplate Size:

Increases the nameplate size slightly if you hover it. Feedback mod to highlight the currently hovered target.

PixelPerfect Castbar:

Creates a pixel perfect castbar

Power bar:

Creates a mana bar if an enemy unit relies on that.

Smart Name Shortener:

Allows to shorten character names above a certain threshold. Set to 16 characters

Target Arrows: Adds additional arrows to the "Target Bracket Indicator "Option om the target tab of plater.

Target Mark Color Change:

Changes the color of the healthbar to the one of the raid mark if one is assigned to that unit.