JFEspanolito Plater Profile

JFEspanolito Plater Profile


Shows the nameplates with specific colors for the role of enemies.

Red: Melee Enemies

Yellow: Ranged Enemies

Blues: Enemy Healers

Purple: Enemies that I recommend controlling with a Priest (Mind Control).

It also shows colors for the cast bars

Green: Can be interrupted (they are not priority).

Red: Cannot be interrupted.

Rosa (Paladin): Interrupt, it's a heal.

Aqua: Priority Cut.

Also add some sound effects like:

"Run Away" for area fronts.

"Protected" when you must LOS, or Protect a teammate (such as Tank).

Brass Sound for Healing Interruptions.

Glass Sound for priority interruptions.


Updated for DragonFlight season 2 dungeons

-The Vortex Pinnacle

- Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr

-Halls of Infusion


-Neltharion's Lair

-Brackenhide Hollow

-The Underrot
