Krytos M+ / Raiding Profile with Spell Reflect indicator


  • M+ colors for important mobs

  • Personal Interrupt Tracker

  • Targeted Player Name

  • Health Markers for Phase Changes / Important Casts

  • NPC ability timers

  • Hide health bars and only show name text for out of combat enemies

  • Time to die timer

  • Aura glow for buffs that can be stolen / purged ( only if you have the ability to do so )

  • Show who interrupted a cast

  • Name text color changes based on aggro

  • Important Unit highlighting ( Explosive, Fish Stick, etc )

  • ### Gavel highlighter ( Shows your gavel's ghost in orange, others in red )

Nameplate Colors:

  • Purple: Beafy boi. Does a ton of Tank damage.
  • Blue: Needs to be CCd / Stunned.
  • Green: Healer.
  • Pink: Priority Target.
  • Light Blue: Needs to be Interrupted.
  • Turquoise: Has some kind of slow / stun ability.
  • Brown: Frontal / AoE attack.
  • Red: Everything else.

Castbar Colors:

  • Yellow: Interrupt ready and in range to interrupt
  • Orange: Interrupt ready but not in range
  • Purple: Interrupt will be ready before cast goes through
  • Blue: Interrupt not ready
  • Teal Border: Spell can be reflected
  • Teal Castbar: Spell can be reflected and spell reflection is active. ( Please don't interrupt )

Name Text Colors:

  • Green: Aggro on you ( Tank ) / Aggro on tank ( DPS )
  • Red: Aggro on someone else ( Tank ) / Aggro on someone you ( DPS )
  • Brown: About to lose aggro ( Tank ) / About to gain aggro ( DPS )
  • Purple: Co-Tank has aggro