Minimalist Plater Profile Made For me

Minimalist Plater Profile Made For me


If you want color codes NPCs , please go here . I havent found better one than his

Filtered debuff/buffs that I dont want to see as a demon hunter

when imported make sure to adjust the "Fine Tune Scaling" to 1.0

/plater > Level & Strata

Note: If you missin' CD Timers for example on the Auras, just head over to /plater > Buff Settings, enable Aura Timer and configure however you prefer

added Mods;

- Advanced Execute Range

- Castbar Border

- Cast Icon Anchor

- Double-Arrow Target

- Hide Aggro Glow

- NPC Colour Overwrite

- Interrupt CD Indicator

- Remove Percent Icon (%)

- M+ Renamer

- Smart Name Shortner

dispellable Debuffs/Buff Tracking: Anchor Left

Special Debuffs like Stuns/Externals/Defs: Anchor Right