MythicPlus - Plater - (Candlez) - Color plates + intterupts

Dragonflight specific. For Nameplate Texture(General Settings > Healthbar appearance) i use "Charcoal" and for Target overlay Texture i use "Ohi metalplate" Which comes from another addon, so you would have to set your own nameplate texture

If you want the audio prompts, you need this Shared media folder addon


  • Dungeons colored nameplates
  • Specific spells castbar highlight (PRIO INTTERUPT)


  • Plays audio on important interrupts (only if your interrupt is not on CD)
  • Plays audio when frontal happens


  • Changes health percentage color based on how low it is.
  • Has a few mobs with specific health markers (e.g. Marker on Odyn 80% then fight is over)
  • Has special code to highlight your current mousoever, and different texture if its your target.


  • Uses special code for tracking who is quest mob (Cobbled together from multiple other plater mods)
  • Adds if someone is in your party to their guildname

Explanation of colors:

Colors mob healthbars based on how important they are

  • Blue= Mob that needs to be intterupted or killed

  • Yellow = Has frontal

  • Red = normal mob

  • Green/Pink = Special mob to be aware off

Has list of Important casts to Interrupt

  • Blue glowing dots + blue castbar = PRIO Interrupt

  • Purple glowing dots + purple glowing dots on healthbar = Cast that needs to be stunned/knocked

Recommened weakauras

  • In dungeons, show on the nameplate of the monster the cooldown of THEIR abilities

  • In dungeons, show a list of all npc casts that are being cast right now in a list.

  • In dungeons show timers / icons for important spells (+ voice prompts for hide etc.)

  • In dungeons show which mobs are immune to stuns (only works if you have MDT installed and on aswell)
