(づ ◕‿◕ )づ Fisherman's choice.
How to install? Directons.
Not displaying correctly? Fonts and Texture (put into 'AddOns' folder).
NPC cooldowns on nameplate? (WeakAura)
Health Bar Color Legend
Plum: Has dangerous interrupt.
Light salmon: Has an interrupt.
deepskyblue: Important mob.
Health Bar+Frame Color Legend (DPS / Healer)
Red: Threat on you.
White: High threat.
Blue: No threat.
Health Bar+Frame Color Legend (Tanking)
Green: Threat.
Yellow: Low threat.
Red: No threat.
Cast Bar Color Legend
Purple: Interruptible.
Dark grey: Not interruptible.
Light grey: Interruptible, but your interrupt is on cooldown.
Light blue: Interruptible, but your interrupt is on cooldown, and will be ready before cast completes.
Orange: Interruptible with a secondary skill (Avenger's Shield), or reflectable with Spell Reflection.
Red: Interrupted.
Green: Successful cast.
Flashing: Action required.
Buff Legend
Above: Important
Glowing: Dispellable
The following NPC colors are just to make it easier to see things; they don't really mean anything specific: fuchsia, mediumspringgreen.
This is a fork of [Better Pixel Perfect] M+ Mods/Scripts.