Plater NPC Colors by Warek

Plater NPC Colors by Warek


# Caster

I only mark important from kicking perspective casters

# Mob with frontal attack

Dps: do not stand in front of him / Tank: face him away of group

# Need to die fast

For example: Fish Stick, Wandering Pulsar, Ancient Captain

# Mob with specific mechanic that needs to be spotted fast

For example: e.g. Murkbrine Scalebinder, Defective Sorter

# If tank kite this mob it will attack nearest player

For example: Burly Deckhand with Haymaker attack

IMPORTANT! By default, Plater displays these colors without taking aggro level into account. So, you will not see when you lose or take aggro. You need to install Plater -> Modding -> Import Mode to correct this behavior.