Plater Profile for M+ Users 9.2.5

Plater Profile for M+ Users 9.2.5


Added and Customized Scripts/Mods/Colors for M+ Users.

Special Thanks to Continuity and Terciob. They helped me a lot for coding some functions.

Star and Favorite this import will alram you with recent update :)

* English Users have to change the number format at Plater advanced settings.

* You can only update mods and scripts here( if you want keep your settings.

* Use WA Companion( It helps you to find updated mod or profiles and update them by just one-click.

* May need /reload if some configs are not applied immediately.

* 현재 제가 사용 중인 디자인(Other Design : What I am using now)

* 추천 위크오라(Recommended WAs)

i) Target Range WA :

ii) M+ WA :

* 추천 스크립트 셋팅(Recommended Script Settings)

* 추천 우선순위 셋팅(Recommended Priority Settings): Coloring function may not work properly with wrong priority

[Script] Aura - Invalidate Unit [Fixed] - 98

[Mod] Attacking Specific Unit [Fixed] - 97

[Mod] M+ Colored Mobs [Fixed] - 98

* For those who using Personal Resource Bar added

Aura form : Player Resource Bar Mode = When enabled, It swaps the location of buff and debuff frames at player resource frame

Aura Reorder [Fixed] : Enable this mod when you enabled player resource frame's buff auras.

Cast Bar & Icon Options : Has Player Resource Bar options

Power Bar Text : Configure power text at player resource frame. Have option for hide text when casting

Hide Name during Casts : Has option for hide player frame's power text

Show Tradeskill Craf : Enable this mod when you using PRB castbar

**** Cvar(I only wrote what i've checked) ****


Always Show Nameplates Checked!

Stacking Nameplates Checked!

Space Between Nameplates 1.10 / View Distance 100

Show Enemy Nameplates Checked!

Show Friendly Nameplates Checked!

Hide Friendly Health Bar in Dungeons Checked!


Target Always on the Screen Checked!

Lock to Screen(Top Side) 0.085

Target Behind You Distance 40

Target Scale 1.15~1.3

개인 자원 바(Personal Resources)

Show In Combat Checked!

Alpha 1 / Scale 1

Reset to Automatic Position Clicked!

Fixed Position 20


Movement Speed 0.025

Global Scale 1 / Min Scale 1

Anchor Point head

Show Enemy Guardians Checked!

Show Enemy Minions Checked!

Show Enemy Minor Units Checked!

Show Enemy Pets Checked!

Show Enemy Totems Checked!

Top Constrain 50 / Bottom Constrain 20

**** Script(* I added some Spells and Units that is not in original) ****

- By Terciob

Cast Small & Big Alert(*M+ Important Spells[Fixed][Tank])

- By Bombado

Cast Very Important(*M+ Important Spells)

Explosion Affix M+(*M+ Explosive)

- By Continuity

Aura Blink by Time Left(*Basically, pandemic. but have options for fixed time for specific auras)

Aura Invalidate Unit

Cast Frontal Cone(*M+ Important Spells)

Resize Aura Icon(*Added modifiable glow options)

Shield Generator Time Bar(*Now it's M+ Fox Time Bar)

Unit Important(*M+ Important Units)

- By Aelerolor

Unit - Health Markers(*Added Units)

- By Symantec

M+ Spiteful(*Modified texture color to target's class color)

- By 호불

Cast - Castbar with Ticks(*Modified Cast - Castbar is Timer [P] by Continuity)

**** MODS(*I added Customized function that is not in original) ****

- By Terciob

Advanced Execute Range(*Added some classes's talents, and automated)

Aura Reorder[Fixed](*Added supports center-aligned auras)

Cast & Icon form(*Merged his mods and added some options)

Extra quest icon(*Options are added)

Health Text Customization(*Unit Absorb Amount, now text options follows plater configs)

Target Border(*Option is added)

- By Continuity

Absorb Shields in Healthbar

Auras per Row Config

Buff Special Options(*Added some options)

Disable Aura Show Animation

Hide Name during Casts(*Options are added)

Inspiring Health Glow

Interrupt not ready Cast Color

M+ MDT MobPercentage (!! MDT addon required!!)

M+ Colored Mobs (*Many Units are added)

Name Only Text Scaling

Power bar(*Bar Color changed by Unit power Color)

PVP Buff-Tracking Mod Switch

Show Tradeskill Crafts

Spell Cast Filter

Steal/Purge Aura Glow(*Options are added)

- By Erick Hossman

Aura Form (*Added modification of Colored Aura Timers by Tercio and Detailed Time Format by Continuity)

- By CourageousShawn

Extra X Gold/Silvery Dragon(*Boss indicator texture changed, some icon size is bigger, Less heavier cpu usage)

- By Kastfall

Attacking Specific Unit(*Added some units)

- By Teto

Power Bar Text(*Added some options)

- By guras256

PVP Totem Plates

PVP School Lock Buff Special (*Added exact timers for each interrupt spells)

- By 호불

Alt-Power Bar

Cast bar Color by Spell School

Cast Interrupted Format

Cast Target Text Format

Force In-Combat State

Hide Resource on Name-Only

Name-Only Raidmark

OOC Health Text Options

PVP Specific Settings

Relocate Frames OOC

Raidmark Strata

Target Arrows(*Mixature of every target arrows uploaded to wago)

Unit Target Name[Spell]/[Unit]

Unit Level Text

**** Aura Tracking ****

Added some auras for M+ Users