Plater Profile - VayraUI - SL Season 4 - 1440p [mostly updated] (Read for FAQ and info)

My 9.2.4 (s4) Plater Profile with many optimizations for clarity and quick decision making in M+ -- A lot of the scripts and mods are sourced from other people who did the work, and I apologize if the original wago links aren't still correct. I mostly just edited things people created


[disabled by default now, but still included in the profile] FOR TARGETING ARROWS, GO HERE AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS - otherwise turn off the "target arrows" mod so you don't get green squares -


>> This is made mostly for a Tank player and doesn't have everything that maybe a melee dps, ranged dps, or healer may want, and does not have anything set up for PvP. It also does not have advanced DoT debuff tracking for certain specs, so you'd have to add those on your own until I get around to adding them

>> If you want friendly nameplates to always be on or stop turning on, check the "Auto" section of plater and disable/enable their automation

Can possibly cause some FPS issues or frame stutter due to using lots of scripts that scan active cast bars and nameplates. Usually happens when lots of nameplates are getting loaded on screen as you run in and out of range of them, but is usually fine - You can disable these scripts if needed (they are located at the top of the list)

Does not have PvP nameplates set up - if you want those, you'll have to make those changes yourself


Noteworthy stuff:

Here is the WeakAura that shows the enemy ability cooldowns on the left side -

>> NPC Nameplate colors -- here is the nameplate-colors-only import --

- Magenta for Tank Slams or big/dangerous enemies

- Aqua for casters that need to be interrupted or stunned

- White for enemies that heal

- Any other colors are generally just a secondary target name/type to avoid duplicate color usage

> A Plater mod that forces Threat/Aggro colors when losing aggro as a tank, then returns the custom NPC color when you regain aggro -

>> Cast bar color change based on whether or not your interrupt is available -

- Green = Available to kick & cast is interruptable

- Blue = Interruptable, but kick is on cooldown

- Purple = kick will be available during the cast (a line shows approximately where in the cast you can interrupt)

- Red = Not interruptable

>> Cast Bar Glows

- Large White Glow = super important

- Red glow = Tank Slams

- Some other smaller effects for frequent high damage casts from casters and other misc. casts

>> Name Shortener for both M+ and Raid with custom changes for clarirty in Raid as well

^ not re-updated for Fated raids


If you want to see an example of the nameplates in action, you can scan through any of my m+ vods on , since that would be the best example of what they look like in action