Teea Plater Profile

Teea Plater Profile


My Plater profile for PvP arenas.
This profile contains a bunch of mods and scripts to glue it all together.

Flat Texture

I use Flat texture from SUI addon.

Scale Problem

If plates are too big, and most likely they will be - it's because I play on 3440x1440 resolution and use custom scale (set via small script I wrote). On most ordinary resolutions with ordinary scale it will result in plates with my profile to be enormous. This includes Plater options too. To fix this you can try:

  • To change options window scale: In top left corner of Plater options change window scale via slider from 1.3 to 1.0 (or to your taste)
  • To change plates scale: Go to Level & Strata tab and adjust Fine Tune Scale to your taste.

Hide Trash Plates

This profile includes my Plater script which hides nameplates of various trash pets, totems and guardians.
It filters them out by name, not by NPC IDs. Thus default settings will work only with English client.

BigDebuff -> Buff Special

This is small custom mod I wrote which automatically imports certain important buffs from BigDebuffs directly in Buff Special section of Plater. This is useful because BigDebuffs addon author maintains a list of all important auras in the game and this way we can easily sync it to display such auras via Plater.
In my profile I do it only for immunities, spell immunities, crowd control and defensive buffs.