Unit - Resize Nameplate [CL]

Unit - Resize Nameplate [CL]


Although this script still works I recommend using the nameplate scaling script called 'Add - Non-Elite Trash [P]' included in Plater itself

Resize Nameplate

Resize nameplates for specific units by name or id. It can resize the health & castbar + the auras.

If you want different sizes for different units then just copy this script and change the size in options.

By default this script is enabled for these dungeon mobs: Toilling Groundskeeper, Stonefiend Anklebiter, Animated Sin, Rockbound Sprite, Blight Bag, Shuffling Corpse, Spare Parts, Disgusting Refuse


You can specify the size as relative or exact numbers in the Initiialization script.

Relative: { 0.8, 0.6 }

Exact: { 100, 10, true }


-- only set the width 100 px both in- and out of combat
local bars = {
  inCombat = { 100, nil, true},
  outCombat = { 100, nil, true },
local auras = nil

-- set the nameplate size to 100 width and 20 height when out of combat only.
local bars = {
  inCombat = nil,
  outCombat = { 100, 12, true },
local auras = nil

-- set the nameplate size relative to the default when in combat
local bars = {
  inCombat = { 0.8, 0.6 },
  outCombat = nil,
local auras = { 16, 12, true }