VUI Plater Profile

VUI Plater Profile


My Plater profile.

Includes work from other authors.

Cast Bar Icon and Border:

Quest Progress indicators:

Rarity Level Text:

Shorter Names:


Name - Truncated if over 20 chars

Level - Colour-Coded to show level deficit

Rarity - In-line with level, shows Rare, Elite and Rare Elite

Health - Centred within Health Bar. Shows current HP and current HP%

Quest Icons - Shows collect, kill and percentage based quests

Current Target is highlighted with a blue glow above and below the Nameplate

Shield - Blue glow at the right of Health Bar

Health Bar:

Colour-Coded to show reaction (friendly, neutral, hostile) for NPCS and Class-Colours for Players. Orange HP Bars indicates a unit required for a current quest

Border colour shows threat level. Red = Aggro, Yellow = Warning, Green = No Aggro, Blue = Being Tanked (Invert colours for tank specs)

Visual Indicator shows when relevant specs have entered their execute windows

Shows health and absorb prediction

Raid Marker:

Shown at left side of Health Bar. Scripts to switch the Skull Marker to any unit casting a critical spell. Applies to Raid Leader/Assist

Aura Frames:

Shown above NamePlate. Shows your auras with indicators for time remaining (centre) and stack count (above). Auras grow in rows of 5 from left to right, then upwards

Will show important auras not cast by a player. For example: Bolster in M+

Icon Borders coloured to show type. Curse, Magic, Physical, Disease, Poison etc

Additional Aura Frame to right side of Nameplate shows any CC auras on the target. This shows auras from all sources including Fears, Stuns, Roots, Silences & include the casters name. Spell ID's can be manually added if needed

Cast Bar:

Hidden until a spell is cast. Spell Icon is shown at the left of the nameplate as spell is casting

Cast Bar colour indicates if spell can be interrupted. A grey bar and icon indicates uninterruptable. Shows player name if spell is interrupted

Cast Bar border highlights furthur for any critical spells dealing higher than usual damage. For example: 1-shot boss mechanics or 'Explosive' affix in M+. Spell ID's can be manually added if needed

For standard casts, border indicates target threat level, as per HP border


DBM/Bigwigs intergration. Can show specific timers/bars directly above the Nameplate