Warrior Interrupt Helper


This player mod changes the color of the castbar on the enemy's unit frame. It follows the following logic:

  1. You're a Warrior, the spell being cast is reflectable, it's targeting you, and Spell Reflection is off CD. If this is met, apply a different cast bar color (Teal by default).
  2. Pummel is off CD and the spell being cast is interruptible. If this is met, apply a different cast bar color (Red by default) and put the unit frame in front of all other unit frames so it's easier to click.
  3. If nether of the above conditions are met, use the default cast bar colors.

New spells can be added in the mod constructor. I've pre-populated it with spells for all Shadowlands Raid and Dungeons, including season 4 dungeons. Check out the warrior spell reflect spreadsheet for more information: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQgrszRE22Brb0f5k761vUXVe7MD1-qHThpalxzn0zWFRdQqrh0hM5LcQNoa-lLz4781S5rH2e9tRXG/pubhtml#