Xepheris - Plater Profile

Xepheris - Plater Profile


based on the very great profile here https://wago.io/TgqTbkIKa and its continued version https://wago.io/ak3iS95aa

  • includes time to death script
  • recolors Fodder to the Flame demons & priority scales them down
  • remove cringe renames like "Shit Bird", what are you, 12?
  • extend Unit Health Markers
  • extend Priority Based Scaling to try to scale down Spiteful Shades that don't target you
  • extend Steal/Purge Aura Glow to not glow on 3 spells you don't want to purge
  • track certain (de)buffs that aren't tracked by default (most notably, boss stuns in Neltharus/Neltharion's Lair, Sleep Walk cc)


  • ingame, open /plater
  • find the tab Profiles
  • Export Profile on the left to make a backup of your current profile. save it in a text file somewhere where you'll find it again
  • Import Profile and paste the Import String. THIS MAY TAKE A COUPLE OF SECONDS, PLATER PROFILES ARE LARGE
  • done!

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