My Plater profile with certain mobs having colored plates. This is just a personal thing reminding me of certain mobs that might need tranq'd, kicked, prio'd.
These rules are not firm. I play fast and loose with these colors.
Some packs will have multiple mobs with different important spells that must be kicked. I do not like having two different mobs in the same pack with the same color. For example, Unruly Textbook and Corrupted Manafiend appear in the same pack in Algeth'ar Academy. One is Dodgerblue one is Fuschia.
Red = Default
FUSCHIA = Important mob to focus or to kick.
DODGERBLUE = Important mob to focus or to kick.
YELLOW= Important mob to focus or to kick
CRIMSON = Casts something that can be soothed. Example: The Golden Beetle in Temple of the Jade Serpent.
LIMEGREEN = Mob to watch out for, usually in regards to positioning, example: Mechagon Cavalry in Junkyard, Arcane Ravager in Algeth'ar Academy, Crystal Fury in Azure Vault.
NOTE: LIMEGREEN mobs often have frontals attached to them, like the Arcane Ravager. I colored them LIMEGREEN due to how often they move and if they're a good prio target to cleave off of.
Again, I play fast and loose with these rules.