Dope's M+ VuhDo

Dope's M+ VuhDo


My VuhDo profile for M+ groups. Pretty standard for arena or M+ groups in size of the bars and such. If you import this, I do recommend changing the position and size of bars to your liking. They are set for Resto and Feral for the most part, but work with all specs.

**Still works good as of 10/1/22. The Shadowlands update just adds a small mana bar to the left side of the frames, I started tanking a bit and realized I couldn't see the healers mana! So I added that, the old version still works just fine if you don't like it! <3

Here is the list of Bouquets you NEED for this to work. These Bouquets are all Growl's.

1. HoTs1

2. HoTs2

3. Tank Defensives

4. Personal Defensives

I wanted to have a permanent frame for my target, my focus, my targets target, and my focuses target.

That is the 4 boxes you see to the bottom right of first picture. They are a huge improvement for my playstyle so I can interact with not only my party members and enemies but all outside objects as well such as the last boss in Temple of Sethraliss. You can set the NPC to focus and interact with all your vuhdu mouseover macros the same as your party frames.

This is heavily modified from Growl's! You can check his Vuhdu out here