Dradux: Defensives Bouquet


642 Divine Shield Full Immunity (100% chance) 186265 Aspect of the Turtle Full Immunity (100% chance) 45438 Ice Block Full Immunity (100% chance) 196555 Netherwalk Full Immunity (100% chance) 3411 Intervene Full Immunity (100% chance) 196718 Darkness Full Immunity (20% chance) 1022 Blessing of Protection Partial Immunity (100% chance) 204018 Blessing of Spellwarding Partial Immunity (100% chance) 31224 Cloak of Shadows Partial Immunity (100% chance) 47585 Dispersion DR 75% 115176 Zen Meditation DR 60% 86659 Guardian of Ancient Kings DR 50% 61336 Survival Instincts DR 50% 33206 Pain Suppression DR 40% 871 Shield Wall DR 40% 108271 Astral Shift DR 40% 122278 Dampen Harm DR 35% 48792 Icebound Fortitude DR 30% 184364 Enraged Regeneration DR 30% 81782 Power Word: Barrier DR 25% 102342 Ironbark DR 20% 22812 Barkskin DR 20% 31850 Ardent Defender DR 20% 194679 Rune Tap DR 20% 498 Divine Protection DR 20% 55342 Mirror Image DR 20% 104773 Unending Resolve DR 20% 115203 Fortifying Brew DR 15% 325174 Spirit Link DR 10% 122783 Diffuse Magic Partial DR 60% 1966 Feint Partial DR 40% 51052 Anti-Magic Zone Partial DR 20% 23920 Spell Reflection Partial DR 20% 235450 Prismatic Barrier Partial DR 15% 203720 Demon Spikes Armor 53600 Shield of the Righteous Armor 192081 Ironfur Armor 195181 Bone Shield Armor 187827 Metamorphosis Extra HP 50% 55233 Vampiric Blood Extra HP 30% 12975 Last Stand Extra HP 30% 19236 Desperate Prayer Extra HP 25% 97462 Rallying Cry Extra HP 15% 207399 Ancestral Protection Totem Extra HP 10% 207400 Ancestral Vigor Extra HP 10% 47788 Guardian Spirit Extra Healing 60% 322507 Celestial Brew Absorb 100% 122470 Touch of Karma Absorb 50% 116849 Life Cocoon Absorb 50% 108416 Dark Pact Absorb 50% 324867 Fleshcraft Absorb 40% 190456 Ignore Pain Absorb 40% 184662 Shield of Vengeance Absorb 20% 11426 Ice Barrier Absorb 17% 235313 Blazing Barrier Absorb 15% 17 Power Word: Shield Absorb 5% 201633 Earthen Wall Totem Absorb 1% 48707 Anti-Magic Shell Partial Absorb 2565 Shield Block Mitigation 100% 5277 Evasion Mitigation 100% 198589 Blur Mitigation 50% 49028 Dancing Rune Weapon Mitigation 40% 22842 Frenzied Regeneration Self Heal 194844 Bonestorm Self Heal 108978 Alter Time Self Heal