Retail 9.2.0 (Shadowlands) - Renewing Bloom Bouquet

Retail 9.2.0 (Shadowlands) - Renewing Bloom Bouquet


Allows you to see the HOT granted by the Shadowlands Tier set for Restoration Druid (from your character) showing on the panels which player has the HOT.

Spell on the bouquet:

Renewing Bloom

This HOT is obtained by having at least 2 pieces of the Tapestry of the Fixed Stars Tier Set and being Restoration Druid class.

To import the Bouquet:

Open Vuhdo.

Go to "General" tab and click on "Bouquets" (right panel).

Click the "import" button and paste there the string from this page, click the "okay" button.

To show the Bouquet on the panel:

Open Vuhdo.

Go to "Panels" tab and click on "HoT Icons".

Select the desired bouquet to be put on a slot and make sure that the "Icons" option is selected.