Vuhdo Classic Profile for raid 3-15 player

Vuhdo Classic Profile for raid 3-15 player


Vuhdo Classic Profile for raid 20-40 player :

(translate by google ^_^)

vuhdo profile for raid 3-15 player

1. no spell key bind. Requires you to set it yourself.

2. Optional: set privite tank by using vuhdo menu. It is a useful function.

Please note if you do not have the details plugin:

1. Skyline skin texture using the details plugin. If you don't have the details plugin installed and want to use the same skin texture, download the skin plugin HERE( and unzip it to the World of Warcraft Classic plugin directory (World of Warcraft \ _classic_ \ Interface \ AddOns)

2. If you are prompted whether the existing files are overwritten during decompression, select Overwrite all. After extraction, run MyMedia.bat in the AddOns \ SharedMedia folder to ensure that all skins are registered.

3. In the game, vuhdo option-panel-bar label, material selection bar_skyline, click all to apply.

release at:


