Vuhdo Profile Disc Priest 5man

Vuhdo Profile Disc Priest 5man


shows shield, atonement, absorb amount (middle left, rounded number -> 2k in this case), personal cds (bottom left) and raid cds /externals (middle, not visible on the screenshot)

*Update*: These are the bouquets I use

Bouquet for Personal CDs (bottom left):

Bouquet for Externals / Raid CDs (middle):

Bouquet for PW:Shield / Weakened Soul (top left):

The idea behind the separation of the bouquets is:

- Show personal CDs including tank CDs like Shield Block, Demon Spikes, Ironfur etc. on the bottom left so you're better able to predict incoming healing requirements and to blame your tank if he/she doesn't use mitigation on important mechanics

- Show raid CDs (AMZ, PW:Barrier, SLT…) and externals (Pain Suppression, Ironbark, Guardian Angel…) separately so you don't overlap your externals with other healers.

The absorb amount number has gained a lot of value in shadowlands because of the increased amount of absorbs not only from Spirit Shell but also from Tank absorbs (Druid legendary, Celestial Brew…)