Xaydin Holy 5-10

Xaydin Holy 5-10


Vuhdo profiles that automagically switch based on group/raid size - 4 profiles total - Links to rest of profiles below

This is a profile I setup a few xpacs ago but I've been using Vuhdo since it came out and been playing Wow since the beginning.

I just returned to the game after quitting during Shadowlands so I haven't finished the rest of my specs profiles or any alts. I'll add them as I progress.

Profile details:

Shows % missing heal - 4 letters of name

Raid markers

Role Icons

Guardian Spirit is a HoT bar at the top.

HoT Icons are along the bottom.

Open to suggestions but i've been using this for years.

This is mostly a backup for myself but others may be interested so I'm leaving it public.