Edit of the Echo WA that assigns players to soak chains during P1 of Sylvanas, original aura can be found here https://echoesports.gg/weakauras
This version still prioritizes the players with the highest barbed arrow stacks for soaking chains, but considers additional parameters supplied via custom configuration:
Who gets assigned when multiple players have the same amount of barbed arrow stacks?
The general priority is now: barbed arrow stacks > not tanks > not assigned to pop dps cds on current set of chains > position in raid group*
Of the players who are assigned to soak arrows, who has to go left and who has to go right?
Players who are assigned to pop dps cds on either left or right side will be assigned to the opposite side so range dps can dps while holding W instead of having to awkwardly run sideways and melee dps can properly dps their assigned set of arrows without almost blowing shit up
Configuration is done via ERT/MRT note, see attached screenshot for reference. You want this to match your dps cd assignment.
*position in raid group: this is more or less just the backup plan, it puts the first player of group 1 as the highest priority and the last player of group 4 as the lowest priority, so if you have classes who have an easier time with taking arrows (looking at you boomkins) you can put them into group 1/2 and put classes who have a hard time into group 3/4 (healers, melees? not sure)