This is a collection of 26 auras:
>>>>>CoolDowns Group<<<<< (icon)
Ret: Divine Shield (Active Buff) (text)
Ret: Divine Shield (Available) (icon)
Ret: Divine Shield (On CD) (icon)
Ret: BoP (Active Buff) (text)
Ret: BoP(Available) (icon)
Ret: BoP (On CD) (icon)
Ret: Lay On Hands (Available) (icon)
Ret: Lay On Hands (On CD) 2 (icon)
Ret: Blessing of Freedom (Active Buff) (text)
Ret: Blessing of Freedom (Available) (icon)
Ret: Blessing of Freedom (On CD) (icon)
Ret:Gift Of The Naaru (Active Buff) (text)
Ret: Gift Of the Naaru (Available) (icon)
Ret: Gift Of the Naaru (On CD) (icon)
Ret: SoV (Active Buff) (text)
Ret: Shield of Vengeance (Active Buff) (icon)
Ret: Shield of Vengeance (Available) (icon)
Ret: Shield of Vengeance (On CD) (icon)
Ret: Divine Steed (Active Buff) (text)
Ret: Divine Steed (Available) (icon)
Ret: Divine Steed (On CD) (icon)
Ret: E4E(Active Buff Text) (text)
Ret: E4E (Active Buff) (icon)
Ret: Eye for an Eye (Available) (icon)
Ret: Eye for an Eye (On CD) (icon)