Interrupt's aura fully configurable that let you have multiple interrupts per bosses, each with his own configuration (sounds, alerts,…). Every configuration must be done at Custom Options.
The personal alert can be found here:
You can configure everything about the icons on top of enemy nameplates at GENERAL SETUP/Icons. From relative positions to desaturations.
My advice is to enable "Testing Mode" (under raid bosses) and start configurating anything relative to aura display.
If you wanna change the icons glow, go to Display (WA Tab) and go to Glow configuration.
If you want this WA to work correctly you must configure MRT and some bosses's info.
This WA has already been configured for Dausegne and Pantheon.
So I gonna explain how to configure a whole boss from scratch. Let's take Pantheon as example where you must interrupt 2 different casts.
First of all, you must navigate through the aura and find the correct boss ((3) Pantheon) and must press the "+" (Add Entry) botton in order to add a new spell. Each entry will use his own configuration so you must create 2 entries.
As you can see, you'll have new options such as Personal Alert, Sounds and Spell's Info. You can configure Personal Alert and Sounds as you want. Note that you must have if you wanna enable/see your Personal Alert.
Secondly, every player in your raid group must configure the "*" fields in the same way. These mandatory fields are about spell's info and MRT:
- Spell Id: spell Id that you want to interrupt.
- NPC Id: NPC id that cast your spell Id.
- Spell's Name: this field is optional and you can type here whatever you want.
- Key word: here you must write the word that your WA will look for inside your MRT note. This must be a single word (without spaces).
Note: you can use the same key word for every boss (if they have only one entry) if you want to save time.
In order to work, both the key word, target mark and player name must be separated by at least one space, and the player names must be formatted.
As I said, you must include the exact word that you have put in the WA and it must have at least one space to its right.
In case that there are several adds with the same ID and you use marks to distinguish them, it must be included in the same line of the key phrase (for example, after it) (remember spaces!!)
As for the players, include them separated by at least one space and they must be formatted with their class color (when configuring the note in raid you will see the names of the players above, simply left click on them and they will be formatted ).
e.g. :