Diminishing Returns Tracker for Faction Champions Encounter in Trial of the Crusader Raid.
Supports both Horde and Alliance fights.
Since the game treats the encounter as PvP combat, DRs last 15s but the server only checks for the DR update every 5 seconds. This makes the DRs last inconsistently between 15-20s. Because of this inconsistency, most addons and WAs will use 18s as a good spot to set trackers for.
If the mob is immune to the CC, (after 4 casts of a specific CC category) DR timers do not reset, you can use this to your advantage and start casting a CC at 3s left of the duration, and if they're still immune, wait 3-5s and try again to ensure the DR update from the server is called. It is not recommended to recast early if they would not be immune to the CC as it will reset the DR timer.
To Do:
- Change trigger from Nameplates only to trigger and stay by proximity. (So names don't fade constantly when their nameplate isn't showing due to camera or range.)
- Add clickable icons for targeting.
- Show cc timer for current cc.
- Condense tables and functions to remove duplicates.
- Condense Frame to show only spawned Champions. (Will happen with trigger change.)
Version Checks for my WAs going forward will use '!AevWA' in raid chat to check all of my WAs.
Use a combination of ':' and '-' to do a check of a specific WA, eg. '!AevWA:ToGC-DR' will check this WA specifically.