A set of weak aura for all warrior specs. Both of the CD's and resource bars attach to the HekiliDisplayPrimary frame which means they REQUIRE Hekili for proper positioning.
The weak auras build around Hekili so that you can manage your cooldowns and utility while being confident in your base rotation.
Hekili display import string: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/andy-c-jones/6c164709fc4f7d398bd497a634e1ff1e/raw/3d4bc11ad4a882932fe1b952a5fc5ed4e28e2163/AJ%2520warrior%2520hekili%2520configuration
Buttons are skinned using AddOnSkins for ElvUI. Some bar textures and fonts from SharedMedia. This was built on top of https://wago.io/SJg-RRqYG by Alarius and uses Jixel's Warrior Rage Bar. If you are not already familiar with Hekili you will find it here: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/hekili