Proc/buff auras for all Battle for Azeroth Potions, Enchants, Scopes and Ammunition, Alchemist Stones, Tailoring Battle Flags, Engineering devices, and Trinkets. Includes template trinkets to help you track your current trinket's procs.
* Part of my auras for All Classes.
* Master blog post for support.
* These auras are localized and will work for all languages!
Made to group with:
* Heroism/Bloodlust -
* Hunter-Active Buffs:
Azerite Traits will not be included as the list is gigantic. You can easily create your own Azerite trackers by using the built-in WeakAuras templates. New > From Template
Battle Potions
* Battle Potion of Agility
* Battle Potion of Intellect
* Battle Potion of Stamina
* Battle Potion of Strength
Utility Potions
* Potion of Replenishment
* Potion of Bursting Blood
* Potion of Concealment
* Demitri's Draught of Deception
* Lightfoot Potion
* Sea Mist Potion
Tailoring Battle Flags
* Battle Flag: Rallying Swiftness
* Battle Flag: Phalanx Defense
* Battle Flag: Spirit of Freedom
Bear Tartare – Sprint
Engineering Gliding
* Goblin Glider Kit
* Flexweave Underlay
Engineering Belt Tinkers
* Nitro Boosts
* Watergliding Jets
* Grounded Plasma Shield
* Invisibility Field
* Belt Enchant: Miniaturized Plasma Shield
Engineering Devices
* Shieldtronic Shield
* Stealth Field Generator
* Goblin Dragon Gun, Mark II
* Goblin Dragon Gun
* Gunshoes
* Gunpack
* Electroshock Mount Motivator
Scopes and Ammunition
* Crow's Nest Scope
* Monelite Scope of Alacrity
* Frost-Laced Ammunition
* Enchant Weapon - Gale-Force Striking
* Enchant Weapon - Torrent of Elements
* Enchant Weapon - Deadly Navigation
* Enchant Weapon - Masterful Navigation
* Enchant Weapon - Quick Navigation
* Enchant Weapon - Stalwart Navigation
* Enchant Weapon - Versatile Navigation
Darkmoon Deck Trinkets
For individual export see:
* Darkmoon Deck: Fathoms – Card and how many times this fight your Fathom Fall has damaged a target.
* Darkmoon Deck: Tides – Card and how many times this fight your Rejuvenating Tides has healed.
* Darkmoon Deck: Squalls – Card and target debuff Suffocating Squall.
* Darkmoon Deck: Blockades – Card and Stamina buff amount.
* Siren's Alchemist Stone & Surging Alchemist Stone
* Template for trinkets that are just a buff. Using Bloodthirsty Instinct as example.
* Template for trinkets that need to read buff tooltip for amount. Using Stormsinger Fulmination Charge as example.
To add other trinkets
1. Right click the existing trinket aura and choose “Duplicate.”
2. Change the name to the name of the new trinket.
3. Select the aura.
4. Select the “Trigger” tab.
5. Replace the name/spellID of the old trinket’s proc with the name of the new trinket’s proc or active buff in the box under “Aura Name”. To find this you can either test on a dummy until it shows up and mouse over the buff for the name or you can try searching Wowhead. For example: Bloodthirsty Instinct buff is called Blood Frenzy.
2018/08/28 – WeakAuras2 Version 2.7.4 – Live 8.0.1
Added Darkmoon Deck trinkets.
2018/08/21 – WeakAuras2 Version 2.7.2 – Live 8.0.1
Added new Utility and Battle potions.
Added new scopes, ammunition, and enchants.
Added Bear Tartare buff.
Added Alchemist Stone trinket proc.
Added Tailoring Battle Flags buffs.
Added new Engineering device buffs.
Added new Engineering belt tinker.
Changed Engineering devices to be separate auras.
Removed Legion potions.
Removed Legion legendaries.
Removed Legion neck enchants.
Removed Titan Pantheon Trinkets.
Removed Concordance and Netherlight Crucible traits.
Shifted down 50 pixels for new character head location.