AML: Auto Master Loot Distribution

AML: Auto Master Loot Distribution


WeakAuras Version 1.8+ is required

Auto Master Loot automatically assigns every loot to yourself or another player of your choice except the items under "Filter".

You can add items to the filter by posting them with shift+left-click and separating them with a "/" i.e. [Onyxia Hide Backpack]/[Panther Hide Sack]/[Gri'lek's Blood]/[Hazza'rah's Dream Thread]/[Renataki's Tooth]/[Wushoolay's Mane]/[Swift Razzashi Raptor]/[Swift Zulian Tiger]

You can automatically assign loot to another player under "Assign Loot To Another Player" and enter the player name you want to assign the loot.

Based on lipsen