BDGG Among Us

BDGG Among Us


• Automatically hide player nameplates when Among Us phase starts.

• Adds a clickable button on everyone's character that you can use to vote.

◦ The button displays the number of times each person has been voted on.

◦ Buttons do not show up above tanks, because they cannot be the imposter.

◦ When clicked, the button for that unit disappears.

• Once a unit has received 3 votes, their nameplate is shown and an "imposter" arrow appears above it.

◦ The red arrow turns green once the imposter has been sufficiently damaged.

◦ Nameplates of "crewmates" remain hidden.

◦ Additionally glows the unit frames of the imposters.

• Once both imposters have been found, all the vote buttons disappear.

You are advised to use overlapping nameplates for the buttons to position themselves better: /run C_CVar.SetCVar("nameplateMotion", 0)