Tank stuff for Antorus, The burning Throne!
For you and your partner. The colored icon is your debuff and the grey icon is your focus targets debuff, so you need to put your tank partner as your focus!
Garothi Worldbreaker // Fel Bombardment, Initial (icon)
Garothi Worldbreaker // Fel Bombardment, Ongoing (icon)
Felhounds of Sargeras // Decay (icon)
Felhounds of Sargeras // Smouldering (icon)
Antoran High Command // Exploit Weakness (icon)
Antoran High Command // Exploit Weakness f (icon)
Portal Keeper Hasabel // Reality Tear (icon)
Portal Keeper Hasabel // Reality Tear f (icon)
Imonar the Soulhunter // Shock Lance (icon)
Imonar the Soulhunter // Shock Lance f (icon)
Imonar the Soulhunter // Empowered Shock Lance (icon)
Imonar the Soulhunter // Empowered Shock Lance f (icon)
Kin'garoth // Forging Strike (icon)
Kin'garoth // Forging Strike f (icon)
The Coven of Shivarra // Fiery Strike (icon)
The Coven of Shivarra // Fiery Strike f (icon)
The Coven of Shivarra // Flashfreeze (icon)
The Coven of Shivarra // Flashfreeze f (icon)
Aggramar // Taeshalach's Reach (icon)
Aggramar // Taeshalach's Reach f (icon)
Argus the Unmaker // Avatar of Aggramar (icon)
Argus the Unmaker // Cosmic Power (icon)
Argus the Unmaker // Soulbomb, Phase 2 (icon)
Argus the Unmaker // Sweeping Scythe (icon)
Argus the Unmaker // Sweeping Scythe f (icon)
Argus the Unmaker // Deadly Scythe (icon)
Argus the Unmaker // Deadly Scythe f (icon)