Aoe/Cc is down - mythic+ tank

Aoe/Cc is down - mythic+ tank


Displays abilities casted by party members in dungeons

Supported abilities:


- Shadow Crash [damage on impact]


- Flamestrike [damage]

- Meteor [damage]

- Frozen Orb [damage]

- Blizzard [damage]


- Rain of Fire [damage]


- Volley [damage]

- Wild Spirits [damage]

- Binding Shot [crowd control]


- Ursol's Vortex [crowd control]

- Solar Beam [crowd control]


- Consecration [damage]


- Tremor Totem [crowd control]

- Earthquake [damage]

- Liquid Magma Token [damage]

- Capacitor Totem [crowd control]

[Death Knight]

- Death and Decay [damage]