Apple's Minimal Disc

Apple's Minimal Disc


I stopped playing disc and priest altogether this tier, so I'm not adding new changes/essences - can fix things if anyone requests so though!

New minimalistic/compact WA suite for Discipline priests.

Almost all icons only show up when they're on CD, recommended for experienced users who're familiar with all spells and do them out of muscle memory, and thus don't need to be reminded of their existence outside of when they're up again.

Radiance charge display is customised from the WA "EoL- PW:R/Evangelism Helper" by SmolderingEgo, found here:

Has a built in atonement counter too.

The looks/UI (as per screenshots) is made with Masque's Zoomed view in mind, and then tried to put everything pixel perfect on the lay-out (as much as it goes, differs a bit when you move it or when using it on different resolutions).

Unique naming scheme so that it doesn't conflict/duplicate with other priest setups using plain spell names.

I'm adding essences as I get them/use them/see them fit, I'd gladly add more if suggested or if they stop working on different ranks.

Ever Rising Tide is now in one icon in a 3 step process: simple 8s countdown during ramp/spam period to gain stacks, no extra info shown that'd be distracting => 8s bonus heal buff showing amount of stacks and time left to do big healing => essence active CD remaining and then fade out.

My current minimalistic WA suites:

Discipline Priest:

Holy Paladin:

Holy Priest:

Brewmaster Monk:

Prot Warrior:

Resto Shaman: